Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blog Post 11

Skype Interview with Ms. Cassidy!.
Ms. Cassidy's approach is almost identical to Dr. Strange's approach to education and technology. I would say she is the female opposite of Dr. Strange. I have grown to love and agree with Dr. Strange's point of view with technology and just can't wait to continue this growth with technology and then eventually being able to teach it to my students! I will have to say I agree completely with Ms. Cassidy's approach to the use of technology in the classroom. She is teaching them about blogs, wikis, Skype, Nintendo DS, etc. These forms of learning are definitely "new age" and are hard for me to grasp but at the same time I truly love that the classroom has technologically evolved to this sort of level! It's absolutely incredible! They are so much farther along than most adults I know and can teach us about this technology which in turn leads to their growth in more ways than one! I hope I am able to use ABSOLUTELY ALL of her techniques being that I believe they are healthy and adequate for proper student learning and development. Impediments I might encounter like the cheating one of our students ask about, would be an issue, yes, but is a "shift" just like she says and you just make arrangements where needed and fix the problem as it arises and validly and morally ethical as you can.


  1. Hi Raley,
    I agree with you. I too love all the different technology approaches Ms. Cassidy brings about in her classroom. I too, hope to bring a lot of her approaches in my classroom. And I also agree that a lot of kids seem to know more about technology than adults do. Sad and scary in a way too! But with all the new technology recently coming out, and with students using technology in the classroom more these days vs. us rarely to never using it when we were little, it doesn't really come to me as a surprise. Technology seems to be the "new way of learning" with schools these days. I know I am only 25, but when I was in Elementary and Middle School, we didn't have computers in the classrooms and we did research by "old-fashioned" library style. Probably the end of High School is when we started using computers more, but only because we basically lived in the library in 12th grade. But I hope to be able to bring as much technology as I can in the classrooms, it's an exciting way to learn.

  2. Raley,

    It amazes me at how far ahead of the game Mrs. Cassidy's first graders are compared to the first grade classes here in Mobile County! It goes to show just how much we undermine a child's intelligence!

    Also, I'm SO glad you plan on using the ideas mentioned in this video when you're a teacher!

    Keep up the good work!

    - Allie
