Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blog Post 14 Special Metaphor Assignment

metaphorical songs.

1. I believe the reason I missed the metaphor is because I take school and my assignments too literally, as mentioned in the classblog post. This baffles me though because I don't take life in general too serious, which is why I think I'm made for working with kids... I love to clown and joke around and always keep things light (metaphor?) and funny! But I've never really worked with metaphors so I guess I just didn't know what to look for... maybe I was just too consumed with getting the assignment done (sorry for the honesty, but lesson learne ;)
2. Today I was running like the wind and thinking of metaphors that I encounter daily (unlike anything that has ever consumed my thoughts). The apple of my eye told me his favorite metaphor was music to my ears (his ears of course). But then it started to rain cats and dogs and I had to run for cover like there was no tomorrow! So the metaphorical conversation was cut short but metaphors are now the light of my life so I'm sure I will be in touch with them sooner than I think! \http://grammar.about.com/od/rhetoricstyle/a/ColbertMetaphors.htm
3. I think this #3 question is a great one because I don't remember any of my teachers ever addressing metaphors, and if they did, obviously it wasn't significant enough to stick with me because I'm only 23 and didn't catch the metaphor post! Hate it for me : (
Anyway, some things we can do as educators to help our students better understand and use metaphors is to broaden their vocabulary! Vocabulary is regular thing in school, but maybe if we incorporate the vocab into/in with the metaphors, it will be like a two-for-one deal! Learn a new word AND a new phrase/saying. Also, a metaphorical project might be fun? Like creating a song with nothing but metaphors... or maybe a metaphorical research assignment on the who, what, when, where, why and how's of metaphors...
These are brand new ideas so they're a little rusty but you catch my drift.
4. Why do we use metaphors? Well for us "visual" learners/people, I believe it gives us a better grasp at what the metaphor is implying. No we don't always visualize the actual metaphor being spoken but it just sounds good to the ears and seems like a smooth transition into a shift of topic or another conversation. Sometimes it can be used for comic relief too (least that's when I use my metaphors the most). I don't think there is any 1 reason we use metaphors but a thousand little reasons why people love them so much! They're better understood and more comprehendible, and just plane fun, when compared to a boring ole regular sentence!

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