Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blog Post 5

I just had the opportunity to witness ultimate classroom education! The "Eagles Nest Radio and Class Blog" was phenomenal! These students not only learned countless facts about Ancient Greece/Rome and famous Greecians but they also got to incorporate technology in there by doing this radio podcast. At the same time of giving and presenting their information properly and professionally (something I'm sure they had to learn), they also spoke very well publicly. A form of media and entertainment training and technique went into this as well to make it a success; not to mention a little creativity for the costumes : ) Loved it!
The next podcast I chose was "Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom" which was very informative. I learned that a podcast can deliver easily accessible criteria that can be listened to anytime and where. Yes it can be used as a learning tool to do fun projects with and create innovative ways to go about things, but what I was most interested in is how convenient and accessible it is for the students AND parents. If a child is sick- don't worry just have her listen to the podcast from class today! If a parent is curious about what the child is learning- they can go online and hear actual audio or video clips straight from the classroom! It's such a great tool!
Last but not least I really appreciated "100 Ways To Use Your Ipod," probably because I'm a student myself, whose life revolves around studying! It had so much to offer for students such as notes, lectures and study guides or tutorials and classroom help. These things are crucial for students and their progress. Some more of what it has to offer are things like actual podcasts, applications to download with tools that you can use for whatever need you're trying to fill. These tips and techniques are very helpful, useful, convenient and easy to manage. If I can use them, anyone can!


  1. The iPod business might really benefit you since you are on the road so much. You should check out NPR. They have some really good stories about real people in really sticky situations. I bet you would like it! If you get a chance, check out the comment I left on Carol's post. I wrote about my experience with Eagle's Nest. It might shed some light on the process.

  2. I agree with you on the podcast. I think it is wonderful at how technology has advanced so much. Podcasts are a great tool, and it's amazing at how if you miss school, you can just listen to what happened for the day, or a parent can know what exactly is going on in the classroom by just listening as well.
