Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog Post 6

The Networked student was cool because it showed everything students can do in the 21st century with online learning and educational media! I loved it! I also thoroughly enjoyed how at the end of all the resources and informative ways kids learn and everything they can do, the creator answers the question "why does he even need a teacher?" Perfectly followed by all the countless ways technology can never replace a teacher such as, "guidance, proper communication, helps to organize and manage lost or confused thoughts. Brilliant!
A 7th grader's PLE was a pretty nifty video as well, showing media savvy ways to involve blogging and glogsters, skyping and online support programs in the classroom for learning. It's so cool to see the extent at which technology has developed and how far it can take the student in the classroom. My favorite part though was when the student mentioned the "inclination of responsibility it gives her, and how it allows for more freedom." I believe this to be a good thing and if negatively misconstrued, that is where a teacher uses disciplinary actions to step in and mediate! I don't necessarily think there are many differences from her PLE to my PLN except that her's is used to learn about her subjects and high school level classes, and mine is used to teach me how to become a better "techno-teacher!" (I just made that term up, how'd you like it ;) Was a post from "JackJ" who didn't necessarily disagree completely but made some very opposite opinions about smartboard/whiteboards such as being "great visual aids or noting the students' questions and comments on powerpoint presentations and publishing them to the class webpage," etc. I have never used a smartboard but I dont think they are a complete waste. Yes, expensive and could probably be easily replaced with less expensive yet equally efficient tools but if affordable then why not? I know a lot of teachers who adore their smartboard and wouldn't know what to do without it. I suppose this debate is just like any other contraversy: it all depends on the person and the circumstance. Everything is just an opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Raley,

    I am glad to really enjoyed the videos, and I completely agree that students should be networked individuals, and teachers will always have a part in the students' education. Technology can never replace any individual, and I think people need to be reminded of this. Teachers are the ones who guide and instruct the students. They encourage and love the students, and they are the ones who teach the students how to use technology. Students do need to be able to research and connect on their own, but they still need someone right in front of them in a classroom in my opinion. I hope we can all learn to be "techno-teachers" and assist our students in this new and better form of education.
