Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog Post 3

The "Vision of Students Today" video was right up my alley! That is EXACTLY how I feel my college experience is and I can completely relate. I spend hundreds of dollars on books that I don't even open too, but I'll take all the blame for that. I spend money to eventually, hopefully make more money one day; kind of makes me sick to think about it like that. I wish I had better ideas of how to make the college experience less dramatic the way it seemed/can be, but at the same time I don't know if I even believe anything can be done or fixed. The school board directors, head honchos, big wigs and people with all the authority and power know what they're doing and how to make things work and I believe they're doing the best they can. Plus college does a pretty good job of getting you ready for the real world... sort of.
"It's not about the technology" was really great too. I loved the part about teaching in the 21st century is going to be about working smarter not harder! One can only work so hard but if that work is made "smarter" such as using your time better and with quality instead of quantity (trying to speak from a teachers' perspective and not a students') then it seems life for everyone would be made easier in the long run.
"Is It Ok To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher" brought up such great points. I must first admit that I run close to being one of these technologically illiterate people, but thanks to Dr. Strange and his staff I believe that come May 2011 I will have changed, what I thought was my destiny, into a technologically savvy future for me and the children in my future! As long as you have the audacity to try and to care, that is all that matters (with technology and teaching in general)! "In order to teach it, we have to do it" was my FAVORITE quote from Mr. Fisch.
The "every second counter" thing is insane. I literally cannot even fathom that and it is absolutely mind boggling. For my teaching career it is somewhat a wake up call to realize that as an educator, things change that fast. Being on top of your game and staying up on what's new and the futures development is utterly important and cannot be stressed enough! I think that did an amazing job of showing us.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you are more forgiving than I. I would be mad as #%!#@% if my classes were like those in the Wesch video.

    Stay on top of your game! A great goal!
