Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Post 7

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture was so inspiring! How amazing is it that he was so close to death and he's smiling and happy and laughing and energetic! Incredible! First of all he is an amazing speaker, no doubt about that. As opposed to being full of sorrow, it was a humorous and enjoyable lecture! Second, I learned so much from this one hour of my life, listening to this lecture because he brought up so many amazing points.
The first point that caught my attention was 'when you screw up and no one is telling you, that is not good.' This to me meant either no one cares enough to help you better yourself and/or you're too far past the point of help. Both, not comforting. He also stressed the importance of being specific, bringing something to the table, and the power of enthusiasm, all of which are such influential statements that truly can lead to positive change in a person or a situation.
He spoke a lot about "brick walls" stopping the "other" people who didn't want it bad enough and that's something I was glad was brought to my attention. I don't ever want the "brick wall" to stop me or my students. Patience shined through this man's lecture when he said "wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you! Another great point teacher's should run with. Our students aren't always going to learn something immediately but that doesn't mean they're incapable... just wait longer! Here are some more verbatim's I'll take with me to the classroom:
Choose to be a Tigger over an Eeyore, never lose my child-like wonder (hence why I chose elementary and special education), helping others and being loyal is a two-way street and never give up!
Even though I cried tears I tremendously enjoyed spending an hour of my life watching that lecture... Thanks Dr. Strange!


  1. I agree with you Raley he was such an amazing speaker and so inspirational. I also liked analogy of the brick wall and how it stopped the "other" people who didn't really want it. But, to me his best advice was never give up!

  2. You are welcome. Randy Pauch's Last Speech truly is an inspiration and a great guide in how to be a good educator.

  3. Ray-dog :)I loved reading your summarization about Randy Pausch's video. I too loved the metaphors he used talking about life and brick walls, his speech was very inspirational. Great Post!
